Building evidence-based situational crime prevention to curb IWT
Key Facts
VALUE £100,000
WHERE Nicaragua, Liberia
Evidence-based, targeted situational crime prevention (SCP) has been applied effectively to reduce a range of crimes globally, including drug trafficking and maritime piracy. It has potential to reduce IWT, but its potential has yet to be fully evaluated in a conservation context. This project will: (1) build capacity of conservation practitioners to apply SCP; (2) develop the evidence base required to apply and evaluate SCP in two landscapes, and (3) develop knowledge products in multiple languages to aid replication globally.
Dr Andrew Lemieux / Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR) / Editor-in-chief Wilderness Problems Resource Portal, POP Center, Forestry Development Authority (FDA) - Liberia, TRAFFIC International, IIED, re:wild (Global Wildlife Conservation)