Combating illegal ivory trade: training film to aid enforcement officers
Key Facts
VALUE £134,746
WHERE Zambia, Vietnam, Uganda, Thailand, Malawi, Kenya, Cameroon
This project aims to produce a film and supplementary material to encourage more effective enforcement activities applicable throughout the ivory trade chain to better detect, disrupt and prevent elephant poaching and ivory trafficking. The film will share best practice related to a strong criminal justice response to address poaching and illegal ivory trade and will be produced and distributed in collaboration with key stakeholders such as World Customs Organisation, INTERPOL, the CITES Secretariat, and national enforcement agencies.
US Fish and Wildlife Service, Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources, DEFRA UK, Malawi Department of National Parks and Wildlife, Government of India Wildlife Crime Control Bureau, Botswana Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism (MEWT), WCO, Lusaka Agreement Task Force, INTERPOL, CITES Secretariat