New Projects Webinar and Workshops, September 2021 (Archived)
A number of events were hosted for new projects funded under Darwin Initiative Round 27 and IWT Challenge Fund Round 7. All of the events were held online using Zoom software.
There are joint workshop proceedings for the events.
Webinar: Financial, administrative and technical reporting for new projects
On 13th September, we hosted a webinar for new projects to introduce the financial and administrative reporting systems for Darwin and IWT. The aim of this webinar was to welcome newly funded projects, and provide advice and support relating to financial, administrative, and technical reporting.
The slides from this session can be accessed here.
Workshop: Communications Strategy and M&E Plan
On 15th September we held an online, interactive workshop. The workshop content builds on the webinar, and its aim was to provide advice and support relating to project communications and monitoring & evaluation.
The slides from this session can be accessed here.
The template for the Communication Strategy and M&E Plan Exercises can be found here.
Workshop: Common Issues, Technical Themes and Measurement Challenges
On 21st and 22nd September we held another online interactive workshop. This session focused on providing a forum for projects to network with those working on similar topics and areas in order to foster lesson learning.
The slides from this session can be accessed here.