
Malawi clamps down on wildlife crime
Over 600 arrests and more than 500 convictions in wildlife crime since 2017, alongside a decline in ivory trafficking cases and an increase in elephant and rhino populations.
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Improving livelihoods in the Mole Ecological Landscape
Empowering local communities around Mole National Park in Ghana to combat wildlife poaching by providing training in sustainable livelihoods and fostering conservation efforts.
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Conserving endemic Karoo succulents
Understanding social-ecological dynamics to develop community-based interventions for succulent conservation in South Africa's Succulent Karoo.
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Engaging with communities for cheetah conservation
Training Somaliland communities in livestock management and human-wildlife conflict to protect endangered cheetahs and reduce poaching.
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Transforming lives and markets in Peru
Engaging with vendors at the Belén Market, known for illegal wildlife trade, to promote the transition to sustainable, legal livelihoods.
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Co-designing sustainable management solutions
Mozambique's shark and ray populations are under threat from overfishing, prompting conservation efforts to engage local fishers in sustainable practices.
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Empowering the women for parrot protection
The Green Sky campaign showcases how involving local communities can effectively combat wildlife trafficking and protect Endangered species through innovative conservation strategies.
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The transformative power of local engagement
Community engagement in the Palawan pangolin conservation project transformed livelihoods, reduced poaching, and empowered local governance.
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Strengthening law enforcement capacity
Criminal networks in Mozambique fuel wildlife trafficking, leading the Wildlife Justice Commission to support law enforcement training and empower local women.
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Conserving Critically Endangered fish
Optimising genetic methods to distinguish wild sturgeon from farm reared - a crucial step towards understanding illegal trade in Georgia.
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Food sustainability: Word from the BCFs
Explore the crucial intersection of food, biodiversity, and livelihoods in the inaugural Biodiversity Challenge Funds newsletter.
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The battle against jaguar trafficking
A setback leads to important policy changes for the Bolivian police in the fight against jaguar trafficking, by using online advert platforms to combat IWT.
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Safe spaces for Karoo succulents
In the Succulent Karoo Biome, illegal succulent poaching threatens unique plant species, prompting a 'Safe Space' model for sustainable livelihoods.
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Workshop2 Credit Naila Bhatri, Conservation Litigation.Org
Green wave of lawsuits to protect biodiversity
Lawyers, conservationists, scientists, and economists begin precedent-setting cases as part of a wave of biodiversity litigation seeking justice for nature.
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Shark fins and tails
Mitigating illegal trade in sharks and rays
Enforcing trade controls through visual and genetic tools, contributing to fisheries' sustainability and reducing IWT of shark and ray populations.
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Brazil 2. Illegal Advert For Macaw Sales On Brazilian Internet
Online surveillance of wildlife traffickers
RENCTAS tackles online wildlife trafficking, monitoring illegal activities, aiding law enforcement, and collaborating internationally.
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Peru Workshop Participants Ester Mora
How journalists protect Amazonian wildlife
Building the evidence needed to design an innovative behaviour change campaign to promote investigative journalism on IWT in Peru.
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Protecting birds and Indigenous featherwork
Empowering Indigenous communities to continue their featherwork tradition using artificial feathers, combatting IWT and promoting social justice.
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Utilising informed conservation initiatives
Exploring locally acceptable solutions to IWT and addressing the complex interplay of poverty, tradition, and environmental conservation challenges.
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Enhancing livelihoods in Zimbabwe
Dingani Masuku shares his journey combating human-wildlife conflict and supporting livelihoods in the Savé Valley Conservancy.
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